
Letter from Principal to Full Time Students and their Parents/Guardians

16th April 2020

‘Letter from Principal to Full Time Students and their Parents/Guardians’

Dear Students & Parents/Guardians,

I hope you and your families are all in good health. As you are aware, we are working hard with you to continue our programme to the end of the academic year.  We have continued our online programme throughout the Easter break in order for us to stay in a routine.

I have maintained personal contact with all staff throughout this time.  I am very aware of the many parents and staff partners who are fighting this insidious pandemic on the frontline in our nursing homes, health services, greater public services, and through our elected representatives.

Our teachers have produced hundreds of recorded classes along with a similar amount of live scheduled classes. The school through our dedicated team of staff have also continued corrections, feedback and notes with instruction through google classroom. You are a superb group of students who have displayed resilience and endeavour throughout this testing period. I am very proud of you as a group and so happy with the response of your teachers.

Following on from the latest instructions from the Department of Education:

  • All classes will continue as normal online to the conclusion of the academic year.
  • On conclusion of the academic year, we will resume online contact with Leaving Cert. students  ‘Mid-June’.
  • We will schedule block revision classes in school Mid-July for 6th Years, if permitted and as determined by public health instruction.
  • Leaving Cert. Exams will be scheduled from late July following instruction from the exams commission.
  • We are awaiting further instruction regarding completion of projects and all your teachers are ready and available to complete these programmes no matter when scheduled.
  • Career Guidance and counselling is available through Joanne.
  • 5th Year Summer Exams will be scheduled as normal and exams will be made available online. A schedule and instructions will be emailed to you in May.

We along with you have followed the news and media as presented through various outlets. I must emphasise this is the new normal. Everyone is in this together globally, there could be many more twists and turns, so expect the unexpected. The bumps’, challenges’ and windy roads cannot be smoothened but must be navigated.

We will continue to support you all throughout this testing time.

Yours sincerely,

Micheál Landers