
A Day in Bruce College

It’s an early start in Bruce College. The school opens at 8.00a.m. Many of our students avail of this opportunity to use our study facilities. By 8.30a.m. all students are in class or in study.

Class Time
A class in Bruce College is a full hour of committed teaching from a group of dedicated, hardworking teachers.

Daily Schedule
On average, students have four classes per day combined with hourly study periods. This combination of study and class provides the student with the opportunity to consolidate the material learned during a class period and ensure that it is fully understood before going home.

Evening Study
Evening study is available from 3.30pm – 8.30pm. Students can choose how they want to avail of this facility. Some students will commit to after school study until 5.30pm and then return home, get a meal and complete their remaining work. Alternatively some students will complete all their work in the school.

Time to Socialise
Throughout the day, students have the opportunity to spend time with their friends. There are breaks during the day morning and afternoon. Breaks are also part of the evening and weekend study schedule. We encourage all students to maintain their hobbies and interests outside the college. We are happy to assist in providing a complete schedule to include hobbies and study during the week.

Week-End Study
Study facilities are available from 9.30a.m. to 4.15p.m. every Saturday and as the year progresses, students may avail of Sunday study from 9.30a.m. to 4.15p.m. Students may attend study for part of the day. There are three separate sessions of study available in the day.

Mid Term & Holidays
Over the course of Mid Terms and other breaks; supervised study will also be available at specific times and dates.
A complete after school study attendance record is mailed to every home each term.

During breaks and lunch periods a common room is available. The school has its own private enclosed grounds. A tuck shop is also available on the grounds of the school. Students have access to secure lockers.