Our school offers a second level education of the highest standard over a broad range of subjects.
Leaving Cert. Revision
Our new Leaving certificate February Mid term revision courses are now available to book online. These courses run over the Mid term from 9am-1pm on selected dates. This will give students a great refresher with our expert teachers during the long term between Christmas & Easter break
Easter Revision 2025
Bruce College Easter revision courses will commence during the Easter holidays. We will be providing these courses to 3rd,5th and 6th year students across all the major subjects. Online booking will open soon. Watch out for special offer.
About Bruce College
Our success is based on hard work and commitment. We ask students to reflect on their attitude and effort. If these are right, you will succeed during your time with us. We have a program of tuition that allows us to cover the necessary material in the time required. We have the necessary support through our careers programme, revision courses and supervised study. You will have access to a wide range of subjects without restricting your choices. This means you choose the subjects based on your strengths, not the schools choice.
School Closure due to Red Weather Warning -Saturday 23rd November
Due to the Red Weather Warning for tomorrow Saturday 23rd November Bruce College will be closed for the day. Any classes due to take place will be rescheduled. We will be in touch with you in due course with the new dates. Stay safe.
Leaving Cert. Results 2024
Bruce College students achieve exceptional results. 16 Students achieve max 625 57% achieve 550 points or higher 26% achieve 600 points or higher 81% achieve 500 points or higher
Bruce College Newsletter – The Audley
Download a copy: The-Audley-week10 -